Friday, 23 May 2014

Crafternoon - Spiked Sunglasses

Jayde here, with another awesome crafternoon post! As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I made spiked sunglasses. So read on to find out how to make these simple yet fabulous fashionable sunglasses!

First we need supplies:
Any pair of sunglasses that you want to jazz up
A choice of studs, big, small, spikey etc
Strong craft glue
Pliers (optional)

Now that you've decided on some rad spikes to accessorise your boring sunglasses with. We need to work out how they're going to sit on the actual frames. Keep in mind that you don't want to block out your vision, make them uncomfortable, or top heavy so they fall off! 

See below? That's how I decided to place the spikes on the front of my frames. I found it easer to actually work out the placement on the frame, then take the spikes off in the right shape, then glue them on one by one. 

Make sure you have nice strong glue, otherwise, like me, the first time you take off your rad sunnies and put them in your bag.... all of the spikes will break off. But never to mind, just need to try a different glue next time!

So, here are my awesome sunglasses (once I repaired them). They're my goth goldilocks glasses, they're a little bit punk, but they sit just right!

Next time I want to try out the whole 'hey let's where tiny flowers on our sunnies' trend. Now to find some tiny flowers...

Until then!

J xx

Bathroom Wish List

Now that we've moved into the master bedroom (well, almost), we're using the en suite bathroom. It's tiny. I mean really small. We've got the shower, toilet, and basin with a small cupboard underneath. There is a medium sized window and a small round mirror on the wall. We also have a sliding door to the bathroom. 

I've been trying to think of a way to update the room, but without spending a whole lotta money, and still keeping the bathroom rental friendly. 
I'm in love with the colour teal at the moment, and would love to be able to incorporate the colour into the room. I have to paint the walls white, so at least I'll have a neutral base to start off with. I'm thinking of doing some sort of feature wall, on the wall with the mirror. Something like below, but invert the colours. I don't know if I should by contact, instead of wall paper, or some sort of decorative tape. 

Next to the basin, on the left hand side, is a bit of dead space. I'd like to be able to put some sort of skinny shelving there, so I can increase the storage, but I can't quite work out the perfect design. Failing that, I'll hang my hair dryer there hahaha


Of the above three, I like the one on the very right. It's not too high, has shelves and a cupboard, but I think it might be a little wide... awks.

I'm also in love with the idea, of a really big mirror on the wall, hanging landscape style. With a nice ornate frame. I think it would be a piece of art in it's self! Plus, then I can actually see my face to do my make up :)

There are so many options for storage and design, I even dream about doing up my bathroom! Hopefully I can make a decision, and we can have a nice bathroom for once!

Stay tuned for more updates about our house!


J xx

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Crafternoon - Cardigan Clips

Ahoy there folks!

Last Saturday, my darling boyfriend did my few odd jobs around the house, so that I could spend some time doing craft. I must say, I went a little crazy, but really why wouldn't I?

So, I was thinking of things I could make. I love to make little fashion accessories, like hair clips, lapel clips, cardigan clips (I'm noticing a theme here...). I decided to make a few different things, but this post is to show you how I made the simplest cardigan clips.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, cardigan clips are a pair of clips, joined by chain or ribbon. You pin one to either side of your cardigan, to hold it together. It's like buttoning it up, but cooler, and easier if you have a heaving boosom and can't actually button things up...

Here is Emma Pillsbury from Glee rocking some cute cardigan clips!

Let's get started!

First, we need our supplies. 

Pliers - Either needle nose or round nose
Chain - This will be what connects our broaches together
Broaches x 2

Now we can start putting our little goodies together!

Work out where on your cardigan/sweater you want the clips to sit. This will help us determine how long we make our chain. I chose to make mine about 8 inches apart, but you decide how far you want yours.

Once you've worked this out, we can measure out the chain. I chose to create a draped effect with mine, with 3 layers of chain. This is why they're all different lengths.

Connect your lenghts of chain to your jump rings, making sure the chains are sitting correctly and look right to you. When opening the jump rings, ensure you pull them forward and backward to create an opening, not left and right. Pulling them from the sides weakens the ring and distorts the shape. Remember there is no set rule for this, just whatever you like.

Okay, so now that we have our chains measured and cut (I simply pulled the links apart with my pliers), and the chain is all connected to the jumprings, we can connect the jumprings to the back of our broaches. Some broaches will have holes around the sides, or on the back. Connect them where you please, just make sure you sit them against your chest to make sure they look right. 

You can connect them to your cardigan how ever you please! Sadly, I forgot to take a 'finished' photo, but I will take one soon, and upload it. I promise!

Until then...

Love J xx

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Crafternoon - Glitter Sunglasses

I seem to collect a hilarious amount of sunglasses, and most of the time, I stick to a certain style and shape. 

I decided to jazz up a couple of pairs I had in stock, with glitter, and another with spikes. Today my pretties, I'm going to show you how to go glitter glam!

First, supplies:
Pair of sunglasses
Glitter in your favourite colour/s
Small paintbrush
Mod Podge - Gloss (you can buy this from Spotlight)
Table Cover
Painters Tape

Now, to save us having to do a tedious clean up later, let's tape up all of the areas we don't want to cover in fabulous glitter!

Once you've taped everywhere you need to (don't forget the section where the glasses sit on your nose. Glitter here is terribly itchy and annoying), we can do our first layer of Mod Podge. It goes on white, but dries clear. Make sure you only do small sections at a time, to make sure it doesn't dry in between.

Now to glitter! Pour that beautiful sparkly stuff everywhere you need to. A nice thick layer to start. Wait a couple of minutes for it to dry, then tip off the excess. Make sure you're pouring the glitter over a piece of paper, so you can fold up the paper and puir the excess glitter back in it's container. 

Unfortunately, we need to wait while the MP dries. I'd say about 20 minutes.
Man, waiting is boring. I want to craft damn it!

Once you've done the first coat of glitter all over, and it's fully dried, it's time to do the second coat! Why a second coat you may ask, because we want to have a good solid coat of glitter, and make sure the old ugly colour doesn't show through.

Back to waiting... Is it dry yet?!?!

When everything is dry to the touch, we need to seal all of that lovely glitter in place, to make sure we don't malt glitter everywhere. It's exactly the same process as before, but no adding glitter. So just a nice thin coat over the glitter to seal it in, then more waiting till everything dries.


Oh yeah, that's right, they're awesome!

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial of sorts, and good luck with your crafternoons!

Much love

J xx

Monday, 5 May 2014

Fun At Work

Who loves working in Aged Care?


And apparently Kristie too! 

Today our wound supply rep came over to drop off some new products for us to try out. Little did she know, we were going to try them out on each other!

Kristie and I went a little mental for a while today (like 15 mins), and dressed up like doctor and patient. The ensuing photos are hilarious (to us at least).

I hope you enjoyed those photos, cause they were hilarious to take!

Love J (and Kristie)
