Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Day 1 - Positive Change

In light of my decision to make my lifestyle that of a healthy one, I thought I would put all of my base line measurements here, where I can't lie. 

So, here they are:

Leg: 70cm
Calf: 51cm
Bust: 123cm
Hip: 132cm
Waist: 110cm
Upper Arm: 43.5cm

I'll try and track my measurements once a week.

On another note, I woke up super early to go to the gym this morning. I was dreading waking up so early, but in the end it was so worth it. I was there just before six and did a short workout before having a quick shower and getting ready for work. 

On the plus side, I also arrived early at work and was able to get a lot of work done!

Tonight, went to my very first Body Attack class as well. It was great! So full on, but the teacher/instructor was really supportive and enthusiastic, and I managed to make it through the whole class. I nearly gave up, but stuck it out, and I'm really proud of myself.

Back to it tomorrow morning, let's hope I can keep this up!


J xx

Monday, 29 September 2014

I Can Smell A Change In The Air

Ah, the sun is out, the birds are chirping, Summer is on it's way! Which means it's time for me to hide indoors somewhere with air-conditioning. My body and heat, just aren't friends. I have nosebleeds every day, I chafe, I sweat, I hate it. Seriously. I hate Summer. I am not afraid to say it;


Bring on Winter or Autumn or Spring. Any of them, as long as they aren't Summer.

Anyway, Summer has nothing to do with this post, just thought I would tell everyone of my dislike for Summer.

So, as many of you know, I have an amazing best friend Alex, who features here and on my YouTube channel. Well, Alex has become a bit of a gym junkie the past couple of months, and mentioned her want for a 'gym buddy' when we were cooking the other night. 

Hmmm, me, go to the gym? Well, stranger things have happened!

We had a bit of a chat, about the benefits of going to the gym, and how fun it would be, and how motivating we would be for each other. We were looking at all of the classes available,  and though it took me a minute, I've decided to take that positive step forward in my life, and get healthy!  

Here is my before shot (shudder)

I'm meeting with one of the trainers from the gym tonight, to discuss membership options, and what might be suitable for me. Then hopefully, I can sign up for 12 months, and kick my lazy butt into gear! I've never really been excited about being active, but right now, I am anxious to leave work and head straight to the gym. I mean, I even packed my brand new gym gear (thank you Kmart!) and my runners. 

I just feel like it's the right time to make a change. I'm feeling better about myself more now than ever before, I'm in a really good place in my relationship, I love my job, the only thing I'm not 100% in love with is my body. 

The state of my body is entirely my fault. I can't blame my mother for feeding me crap, or my friends for being bad influences, I make my own choices, I decide what to eat and when to exercise. Still, it's kinda difficult going from a sedentary lifestyle, to one of constant movement. But, it's much easier taking little steps.

I've already started to change some of my bad habits. This morning, I had stevia in my coffee, instead of sugar. It tasted exactly the same, but without the empty calories. Which is handy. 

I also went for a walk during my lunch break, then did sit ups and my planks. My abs hurt, but it is so worth it. I already feel more energetic and full of life!

So, stay tuned for me making a fool out of myself as the gym, and remember, if I can do it, you can do it!


J xx

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Crafternoon - Frosted Windows

At my house, we have quite a few windows. Which of course means spending quite a bit of money on window dressings. Or does it?

I recently came across an interesting idea, for creating a cheap alternative to curtains or blinds, but still allowing you the beautiful sunlight. Contact Paper,

Yes, the very contact you would cover books with, also works really well as a window treatment. I originally saw it here, and couldn't wait to go home and try it out for myself!

So, $3 and a combined total of 12 hours later, I am so happy with the results! It took a bit of dedication but once I worked out optimum placement for the pieces, everything else worked out like  a charm. I even remembered to take a few photos for you!

Start off with a stencil...

Then start tracing... Remember to draw on the paper side of the contact, not the shiny side.

Then start cutting. Trust me, you're going to want someone to help with this, two hands (with scissors) are better than one.

Chose your window, and make sure you clean it really well. The cleaner the window, the better the contact will stick.

Start sticking!

It's time consuming, but so worth it in the end. I love the overall look! I left a gap at the top and the bottom of the window, as I liked the look of it. It took about 80 separate shapes to do the one window, so make sure you cut out plenty of shapes. 

Now, on to the next project...


J xx

Monday, 8 September 2014

Lovely Liptember

What is Liptember you ask?

"Liptember is a campaign raising funds and awareness for women’s mental health during the month of September.
All funds raised during the month of September are donated to the CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S MENTAL HEALTH and LIFELINE.
Liptember sell official Liptember lipsticks throughout participating retailers with proceeds donated to the campaign.
Women register online and seek sponsorship from family, friends and co-workers for committing to wear the Liptember Lipstick throughout the month of September." - https://www.liptember.com.au/

So, here I am, asking for your sponsorship. The link to my page is at the bottom of this post, and every donation is important, no matter how small. I'll be wearing fabulous shades of lipstick throughout the whole month of September, and telling anyone who has ears, why it's important they donate. You can follow my lovely lips on my instagram (http://instagram.com/spades200789). 

Mental health is important to every body, no matter of gender, or race.

Did you know that Women are more likely than men to experience anxiety disorders (18% compared with 11%) and affective disorders (7.1% compared with 5.3%)? Or that One in five recent mothers will experience a mild, moderate or severe form of post-natal depression?1

Want to learn more about mental health? Head on over to http://www.mindframe-media.info/for-media/reporting-mental-illness/facts-and-stats 

Please help me reach my goal, and raise awareness and funds for Womens Mental Health, love you long time!



J xx

 1) http://www.mindframe-media.info/for-media/reporting-mental-illness/facts-and-stats#Gender