Wednesday 3 July 2013

Winter Blues

Winter is my favourite season. It's foggy, rainy, cold and generally a little horrid. But that's exactly why I like it! Screw summer and it's stupid sunny days and trips to the beach. No one likes sweating and being generally uncomfrotable because it's so hot. I'd much rather cuddle up on the couch, cook some popcorn and watch a movie. It also means longer nights, better sleeps, and less mosquitos! You can still go out and about during winter, you just need to adjust your outfit a little... Like wearing 2 pairs of stockings, a cardigan and a scarf.
I think the only issue I have with winter, is that it's cold and flu season. Because I work in the Health Care Sector, being sick is not really an option. So how do I avoid it? A few simple guidelines, and staying away from sick people!

Firstly, and I know it sounds silly, but be positive! Being happy go lucky breeds happy thoughts, and being happy releases good chemicals in your body, that reinforce your immune system and help you fight infections.

Next, lots of fruit and veg. We need to keep our vitamins and minerals topped up, to make sure our immune system is 'fighting fit'. I know myself I don't like the idea of eating a whole apple (I have issues with my teeth), so cut up food into bite size bits. You're more likely to eat lots of little pieces, rather than one big item.

Don't forget one of the most important things, water! The human body is something like 80% water. So it only makes sense to stay hydrated.

Last but not least, sleep! After 17hrs of being awake, the body reacts in the same way as having a blood alcohol content of 0.05%. Sounds scary I know, so try and make sure you're getting a solid 8hrs a night. Remember that you can't 'bank' sleep, so if you only get 2 or 3 hours of shut eye today, it doesn't mean you can make up for it tomorrow. Another fun fact about sleep: "Exposure to noise at night can suppress immune function even if the sleeper doesn’t wake. Unfamiliar noise, and noise during the first and last two hours of sleep, has the greatest disruptive effect on the sleep cycle."(1)

My other secrets include:
- Garlic, it contains allicin, a sulphuric compound that produces potent antioxidants when it decomposes.(2)
- Tea, All tea—black, green, or white—contains a group of antioxidants known as catechins, which may have flu-fighting properties. In a 2011 Japanese study, people who took catechin capsules for five months had 75% lower odds of catching the flu than people taking a placebo. (2) I also add honey and lemon to my tea, as it helps soothe a sore throat.
- Chocolate, generally dark is better, because it has a lower sugar content, and more antioxidants than it's milky cousin. To reap the benefits, and not the consequences, stick with a bite size portion a day, of chocolate with a 70% cocoa or higher.
- Carrots, our body turns these into Vitamin A, which is essential to boost our immune system.

Good luck this cold and flu season!

Jayde xx

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