Monday 18 November 2013

A New Harvest

Hi ya'll!

Over the weekend, Justin and I planted a few new things in our ever growing potted garden. 
When we started we had kale & silverbeet. Now we have our own little herb garden beginning! We have basil, oregano, parsley, coriander, mint & rosemary. We've also added a new fruit, some very delicious strawberries, and very mild Hungarian Black Chili!

This is our kale at the moment, still small, but they'll grow and be delicious!
L-R; Rosemary, strawberries, mint & chili's.
This is our silverbeet at the moment, they just got a haircut, as we're trying to get them to grow out instead of up. We have 4 stems in this pot.

L-R; Oregano, Parsley, Coriander, Basil. This little beauty will end up sitting on the windowsill in the kitchen. Plenty of sun, and in easy reach for premium picking!
Stay tuned to see how our little garden grows, and what delicious food we make with our crops. We'd still like to add a few more plants, but we're not sure what. It needs to be able to grow in pots and get a lot of sun. I'd like to grow some climbing beans, I just have to make sure my trellis is up to the challenge! Guess we'd best get the thinking caps on!

See you soon!

Jayde xx

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